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air stream 氣流。

The disadvantage is that the coefficient of heat transfer is iow and the utilization factor is poor and the drying time so long . moreover because of the defect of structure , it can not be in conformity with the requirements of “ gmp “ . in order to overcome the shortcoming , we edsigned and developed the penetrating air stream box type drier on the basis of absorbing abroad advanced technology 在傳統的水平流廂式干燥器中,氣流只在物料表面流過,其缺點是傳熱系數低、熱利用率差、物料干燥時間長且由于結構的缺陷,無法完全符合“ gmp ”藥品生產規范。為了克服以上缺點。

air thread

In 1999 , the dipole existed in between the okhotsk high and the depression in the north of northeast china , thus the okhotsk high became active and maintained , the subh was located to an area quite further south than usual . the high persisted in the east region of nw china , the cold air flowed to the mid - lower reaches of the yangtze river along the high . in the east region of nw china , air steam under troposphere was strong sinking motion , and formatted the negative vorticity region , the vapour flux divergence was divgence . lt was apparently that the rain could n ' t occur in the eastern portin of nw china . in 2000 year , okhotsk high was very weak or did n ' t exist in , there was high in the east asia - japan , the subh is located to an area further north than usual . in the east region of nw china , the trough maintained , air stream under troposphere was strong ascending motion , the cycolonic circulation was prevailing , the vapour flux divergence was intensive convergences the rain easy happened in the east areas of northwest china 4多梅雨1999年鄂霍茨克海阻塞高壓與我國東北北部低壓形成偶極子,使得阻塞高壓穩定少動,西太副高位置偏南,西北地區東部持續受高壓控制,冷空氣沿此高壓流經長江中下游地區上空;在西北地區東部對流層中下層氣流下沉運動較強,呈反氣旋渦度,水汽通量散度輻散,不利于西北地區東部降水。空梅雨2000年相反,鄂霍茨克海高壓減弱甚至不存在,東亞-日本為高壓,西太副高位置偏西偏北,西北地區東部處于西風槽中,對流層中下層氣流上升運動增強,盛行低壓環流,水汽通量散度強烈輻合,有利于降水生成。

The disadvantage is that the coefficient of heat transfer is iow and the utilization factor is poor and the drying time so long . moreover because of the defect of structure , it can not be in conformity with the requirements of “ gmp “ . in order to overcome the shortcoming , we edsigned and developed the penetrating air stream box type drier on the basis of absorbing abroad advanced technology 在傳統的水平流廂式干燥器中,氣流只在物料表面流過,其缺點是傳熱系數低、熱利用率差、物料干燥時間長且由于結構的缺陷,無法完全符合“ gmp ”藥品生產規范。為了克服以上缺點。

Starting from the frozen food and refrigeration principles and using comparative analysis method , we get conclusions that in the blow - frozen device , the open - mode , cold - quantity reclaim , low - press , direct - cooling air , absorbing - heat air cycle have the most significant reductions in food freeze dry cost , food hygiene , devices delicate , organizating air stream , non - electrical heat , high efficiency and safe refrigeration etc . the cold - cumulating and dryness tin is the equipment which applys the store - release characteristic of cold - cumulating stuff , ensures the higher efficiency of open - mode cold - quantity reclaim low - press direct - cooling air , shoulders conveyance of the saturated and frozen air to frozen storeroom to reduce dry cost of food and dry the cycling air to ensure safe and reliable 從食品冷凍和制冷原理入手,用對比分析方式得到了在吹風式凍結裝置中,開式回冷低壓直接冷卻吸熱循環空氣制冷機具有最大幅度降低食品凍結干耗、確保食品冷凍安全、系統簡單、凍結庫小巧、氣流易于組織、無電機熱量、效率較高和制冷安全等結論。蓄冷干燥器是通過蓄冷材料的蓄?釋冷特性,來保證開式回冷低壓直接冷卻吸熱循環空氣制冷機具有較高的效率,同時蓄冷干燥器還擔負著輸送飽和低溫空氣至凍結庫以降低食品凍結干耗和干燥循環空氣以確保整機安全可靠工作的主要設備。

In the swirl , air stream at the periphery tend to have higher temperature compared to that in the center . by means of a separating plate , the airflow is separated into streams of hot and cold air . each stream of air then emerges from a particular end of the tube , named the cold and hot end accordingly 氣體在熱端管的流動過程中,外層氣流溫度升高,內層返流溫度降低,高溫氣流從熱端閥流出,低溫氣體通過冷孔板流出,從而將進渦流管的氣流分離為冷熱兩股溫度不同的氣流。

On the basis of looking up a lot of referenced works , the phenomenon that lateral jet injected into the external air stream surrounding an intercepting missile is analyzed . the effects of jet interaction on forces and moments are described by interaction amplification factor , and the algorithm to calculate the interaction amplification factor is presented , then the motion model and the dynamics model of interceptor are established according to the previous analysis 根據大量參考文獻的結論,分析了側向噴流射入攔截彈外流的流場特征,以干擾放大因子來描述干擾效應對力和力矩的影響,給出了放大因子的計算方法,進一步建立了噴流側向力和空氣動力作用下的導彈運動學和動力學模型。

3 ) the upper air stream circumstances along with strong ssw event mainly was separated to three kinds : the northern advance of aleutian high pressure , the northern advance of north atlantic high pressure , the northern advance of aleutian high pressure and north atlantic high pressure at the same time . their final effect was to make polar region vortex collapse and to increase polar region temperature 3 )伴隨強ssw事件的高空環流形勢主要有3種:阿留申高壓北進,北大西洋高壓北進,北大西洋高壓和阿留申高壓共同北進,它們的最終效果是使極渦崩潰、極區增溫。

Under the action of cycle fan , the hot air stream inside each unit of the dryer will carry out hot air cycle . final air with iow temperature and high damp will be out . the whole drying process with stably and high effect will be finished 使熱空氣穿流通過床面上的被干燥物料進行均勻的熱質交換,機體各單元內熱氣流在循環風機的作用下進行熱風循環,最后排出低溫高濕度的空氣、平穩高效地完成整個干燥過程

It strengthens the process of heat exchange . at the bottom of drier , the large and damp granule is crushed under the action of stirrer and the granule that is small in particle and contain less moisture will lift accompanied with revolving air stream 在干燥機底部,較大較濕的顆粒團在攪拌器的作用下被機械破碎,濕含量較低顆粒度較小的顆粒被旋轉氣流夾帶上升,在上升過程中進一步干燥。

Dr hon david li raised a question on combating regional air pollution problem , noting that the poor air quality was caused by a very still wind condition and incoming air pollutants brought in by an air stream from the prd region 李國寶議員提出有關解決區域性空氣污染問題的質詢,當中指出空氣質素惡劣,是因風力非常微弱及氣流將珠江三角洲地區的空氣污染物吹往本港所致。

Lying between these high - speed air streams are air streams of lower wind speed . aircraft traversing through alternating high - speed and low - speed air streams may encounter headwind losses and gains at different locations along the approach and departure corridors 當飛機沿著進場或離場走廊穿越這些高低速交替的氣流時,可能會在不同位置遇到逆風減少和增加的情況。

( 2 ) the yearly vapor water transport in northwest china is mainly consist of the west - southly air stream from the center - west of qinghai - xizang plateau and the east - southly air stream from the south of shanxi province ( 2 )西北地區全年水汽輸送主要來自與其南面相鄰的青藏高原中西部的西南暖濕氣流以及陜西南部的東南暖濕氣流。

According to newton ' s third law of motion ? for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ? air streaming out the back faster than the aircraft ' s speed will thrust the plane forward 依據牛頓第三運動定律,每個作用力必會產生一個等量而反向的作用力,因此當空氣以高于飛機的速度自引擎尾部流出時,便可將飛機向前推。

Dry gas enters into the bottom of drier and produces strong rotating air stream that exerts strong rushing effect to raw material on the wall , therefore the phenomenon of stricking on the wall is removed 干燥氣體進入干燥機底部,產生強烈的旋轉氣流,對器壁上物料產生強烈的沖刷帶出作用,消除粘壁現象。

There are many factors that lead to the uplifting of air , for example , solar heating ; in the vicinity of low pressure troughs ; when two different air streams meet ; or when air is forced uphill 空氣上升的原因很多,例如地面受太陽照射加熱、在低壓槽附近、兩股不同的氣流匯聚或遇上高山而上升等。

There are many factors that lead to the uplifting of air , for example , solar heating ; in the vicinity of low pressure troughs ; when two different air streams meet ; or when air is forced uphill 空氣上升的原因很多,例如地面受太陽照射加熱在低壓槽附近兩股不同的氣流匯聚或遇上高山而上升等。

Aircraft traversing through alternating high - speed and low - speed air streams may encounter headwind losses and gains at different locations along the approach and departure corridors 當飛機沿著進場或離場走廊穿越這些高低速交替的氣流時,可能會在不同位置遇到逆風減少和增加的情況。

In particular , if an aircraft flies from a low - speed air stream to a high - speed air stream , it may experience a large headwind gain leading to a lift of the aircraft 特別要注意的是,當飛機由低速氣流進入高速氣流時,逆風會大為增強,增加對飛機的浮力。

Dg series of air stream dryer is drying plant for to dry maize , potato alike and other starch material processed by wet method after dewatering process Dg系列氣流干燥機組是用于濕法加工玉米,薯類及其它原料淀粉脫水后烘干的成套設備。